Speak like a pirate day, every day!

Congratulations to us, there’s now at least one pirate in the EU parliament!

I don’t hold representative democracy in high regard, but it’s going to be interesting to see if Christian will get anything good done; Here’s hoping the green or left block buys him off by adopting the pirate platform in exchange for his support!

The panorama above is from the voting place at the central station in Stockholm Sunday evening, and the image below is the same panorama I always do whenever I’m on Skeppsholmen and am waiting for the bloody bus.

Vote Mateusz!

Tobias Hermansson is an evil man that enjoys clubbing seals, tearing wings off of flies, and doesn’t relent in his insistance that I look like Pedro. He used the power of Photoshop to make his case more convincing:

Speaking of voting, I’d urge all of you eligible to vote in the upcoming Swedish EU parliament election to support the Pirate Party. For real, if you don’t vote for them, you probably hate democracy. And puppies. What the fuck do you have against puppies you puppy–hating democracy–hater‽

Seriously though: “If voting changed anything they’d make it illegal” is more or less correct, but you could vote PP for shits and giggles if for no other reason. If you actually believe representative democracy is a good idea (oh, aren’t you adorable!) you ought to vote Pirate Party because every other party, left to right, doesn’t understand how the laws we’re passing on a national as well as international level are undermining every citizens right to privacy, and by extension all the provision that are in place that try to ensure a transparent democratic process and private communication and debate.

Who watchers the watchers, and so on. Go vote, you lazy bum. Piss off a few retarded politicians.

Pretty pictures and voting

I’m sitting in the living room (the ethernet cable i have doesn’t stretch further) and Anna is watching Mr Romance. As a result, I have my headphones on and listen to Autechre at damage-inducing levels.
I just can’t stand reality-tv shit. Seriously, I can’t. It’s a thing I have where I have to walk out of the room and either smoke or cover my ears and go “na-na-na-na” until my retardation-levels have gone down sufficiently.

what can we learn from the above images? we learn this:

1) ATM machines run Windows NT and occasionaly get tired of giving us our money and say “fuck you” for no apparent reason other than hating their existence. (try being an old Windows box mounted in a hole and see how you like it)

2) Yes, it is possible to write quite random things if you didn’t plan ahead, and should you find yourself in front of a wall with a spraycan handy this might be the result. Or maybe burri-burri-burritooo?

3) Wear sunscreen, for fucks sake. this happens to be Anna, but it could be you!

4) There were three of us, and no-one knew that you should not connect two batteries serially, but rather earth one of the starter-cables. Oh well, you live and you learn. (In the meantime you are very frustrated.)

5) I happened upon a voting booth at the library and snuck in to cast my vote on the most interesting alternative. (At least on the national level. In the municipal and regional elections I voted for the least evil/sucky/assramming party). I’m voting for the Swedish Pirate Party cause they actually have a chance to get some radical changes through. Hopefully they’ll get above 4% and will be able to have the other parties eating pirate pussy to get the deciding votes.

6) Idle hands are the devils watercolour painting brushes.