She knows what she likes.

My mom isn’t as sentimental as I thought she’s be. She recently moved away from the place where she’d lived the past 24 years, and took the opportunity to trash paintings and sculptures that previously were cherished as valuable objects of beauty and tokens of love. “Aaw, did I hurt your feelings? You’re a grown man and I can’t be expected to keep all this crap!” It took some work to convince her that the heavy raku chalice/ashtray that I’d gifted her ten years ago was worth keeping; I had dug the clay out from planet earth myself and built the oven over days and weeks before that piece was made! I think she tossed it while I wasn’t watching.

Her inner critic manifested in tossing the potatoe-print oil painting of a tree I made a couple of years ago, something I was utterly ok with. I mean, there’s a limit to the motherly indulgence.

Also, she’s always hated the comissioned painting of her home town that’s been hanging in the living room, and took the opportunity of cutting it in half, keeping the part she liked. That antenna annoyed her to no end.

There’s an anecdote about a painter who sold a painting and later showed up at the buyers house and start touching up his work. The buyer goes “WTF!” to which the artist replies “I’m not done yet.” My mom has wished that the artists would show up on her front step with a saw for the past fifteen years. I was glad to help.

It’s not only your mothers day.

I always miss holidays so it’s a good thing that other people keep track. Like Nate DiMe of The Memory Palace for example, who celebrated his tenth podcast by doing one about mothers day. I didn’t know the background to this holiday, and if you don’t know the story either, give it a listen and then go and read up on Ann Jarvis.


Last minute! Bomb ticking! Help me be a good son!

Ok ok, I’m a reasonably good person, and a reasonably good son, although i really really suck at remembering birthdays and so on.
This has proven problematic since my moms 50th birthday is coming up… Which prompted me to create this homepage, which you should check out if you want to save me. Unless I get something nice together my only other options are either to
1) Stop smoking as a gift to my mom
2) Cut my hair as a sacrifice on the altar of ‘looking decent for once’
3) Get a tattoo of my mom

Truth be told, I don’t think number 3 is all that popular, since according to mom only convicts and bikers have tattoos. Anywho. Check it out, and help me the hell out…