In the odd event of you actually noticing the missing images on the blog, it’s cause my hosting company ( had a crash and managed to erase the last three weeks worth of uploads. Combined with rather unhelpful support, I’m once again considering paying through the nose just to get a hosting provider that doesn’t suck.
I spend the first of May helping mum painting her balcony. It’s now slightly whiter than it was. Yay. This is the first time that I don’t go to the demonstrations in eight years. I don’t feel a thing. I don’t know if I’ve lost the will to actually change anything or if I’ve grown into an utter cynic that believes that the only good political activism is assassination and sabotage, but either way my mums balcony is prettyfied with flowers and I have to put my cigarette butts in a jar with a screw-on top from now on.
I’m trying to drink more. Not so much because I enjoy getting drunk by myself, but rather because if I was a drunk at least I’d be something and I could have a reason for not taking care of stuff. As it is, I feel I’m just wasting my time. Alcoholism is a serious matter and should not be joked about lightly; it seems it’s so serious that you need more of a commitment than I’m willing to make. Fail yet again.
On the bright side, my allergies are acting up and I no longer have to pretend to be groggy to avoid the beggars on the train. I’m a glass-is-half-full kind of guy!