seriously, there’s some messed up crap going on that i’m not going to go in to. i can’t relate to it because it’s bloody surreal, and if you can relate to it i’m very sympathetic to your fucked up situation.
as an alternative i present some images to you from my previous saturday that left me hung over and slightly concussed all of sunday. in no apparent order:
this was the spring party at valand and it took place at berg 211 – it was a bit too far away from the city center to become a staggering crowd of stinking artists, but we made do. and the locale is stunning.
four days ago i was dreaming about loosing a tooth, and the more i poked at it with my tounge, the bigger it became and the more it split into fragments. it became so bad that i had trouble talking. when i finally started pulling pieces out, they turned out to be glass fragments – such as you might expect from a broken bottle.
any interpretations?