sorta crosspost from a comment i made on in regards to this post at
“punk” is used to create subgengreas of science fiction, and it’s getting a bit worn. (and methinks i’m not alone)
what better way to kill a meme than by overusing it? let’s come up with a punk definition of the whole periodic table! either cite examples of relevant works or come up with your own.
i’ll start with lithiumpunk:
in a society that has become so obsessed with individual endevours that people have been transformed into raving lunatics, everyone is on downers to treat their mania – going to work means not using the anti-mania drugs for a week or so, reverting to a naturally occuring state of frenzy wherein you become a different subject under the law. (basically becoming a shark in feeding frenzy and not responsible for your moral actions)
typical quote: Stephens gag reflex was well honed; the rising bile forced back, as he clamoured alongside four other manii towards the customer. -Four more hours, he thought dimly, “four more hours and then he’d be on lith for a week.â€
The periodic table is here:
as erin pointed out, the link to her homepage was fucked up. now linking to the blog at