I’d like to apologise for not posting much the past week.
And this isn’t much in the way of making amends, but anyway:
* My back was hurting. Then it stopped. Now it’s hurting ever so slightly again.
* I cough something awful. There’s something charming about that.
* Nice party past weekend, even though I’m slightly under the weather.
* Someone crashed the party and the alcohol dried up. I have video!
* Yes yes, I’ll post the video later tonight
* Looked at my bank account and almost cried last Sunday.
* I’ve spend fifteen hours looking and calling for work. I need work. Moniez. If you prick me, do I not bleed? If I’m hungry, shouldn’t you give me food? That fucking computer I’ve been saving coins for looks further and further away…
As far as the studies go:
* The poster is done. Need to print it. Will post gif later.
* The “Appropriate christmas” soundproject is halfway done. Need to mix it and put up a homepage
* Haven’t done shit about the lockpicking project past week. Will do s’more tonite.
* Essay has a deadline for Friday? Friday? Moly mackarel Batman! That’s no way close to funny! Golly!
* I’m skipping a trip with the class because I’m too broke. How fucking depressing is that? On the other hand, I’m pretty good at convincing myself that I don’t like to travel, so I’ll be fine.
Ok. Now I need to go back degrading myself by whoring my time and effort in exchange for currency that is not made out of “good will” or “chocolate”.