Midsummer in Gothenburg

I figured I’d spend this years birthday and midsummer low key, which translates into “biking like crazy around town and drinking beer in front of Farscape”, and it was interesting. There’s a post-apocalyptic feeling to a city which everyone has evacuated in favour of the countryside. It’s what the city will look like after ebola becomes airborne, minus the rotting corpses. Left behind as it were.

Just like biking at night gives you a new understanding of how a city can work, staying behind while everyone else leaves is an interesting experience. Everything seems more fragile, the sun and weeds and birds seem poised to invade. Next year I’m making sure to do something with friends, which is how I believe a day like this ought to be celebrated.

Or perhaps we can plan the perfect heist while everyone else is grilling hotdogs and getting smashed.

Midsummer. Pepper. 30-ish

We celebrated midsummer at Hannas place. Plenty of food and drink, and multicoloured lights.

[QUICKTIME https://www.monocultured.com/blog/blog_video/midsommar_hanna.mov 400 300]

At midnight songs were sung to celebrate my 30th birthday, and I got a book and a rice cooker. As an additional bonus I got pummeled with handfuls of pepper. According to Jan, an unwed 30-year old man is called “Pepparsven” and that’s how we roll in Scandinavia.

I was out running yesterday morn, and even though I’m keeping with the exceptionally light C25K program, I cought some sort of bug that left me zombiefied the whole evening. Needless to say I wasn’t as entertaining as I should have been, but the whole dinner was very enjoyable from behind my haze of nausea and vodka.

I’m thinking maybe mini-golf for birthday thingy? Not sure. Ought to do something and the sun is out, so maybe “golf for the pepper person” is a nice thing? Have to check if they’re open today..