Yesterday, a guy in Chicago burned himself to death in protest against US foreign and domestic policy. He wrote his own obituary and posted it online ahead of time. That next to last paragraph reads “He had many acquaintances, but few friends; And wrote his own obituary, because no one else really knew him”.

Regardless his suicide, his letters are worth reading. If nothing else I see myself in much that he wrote, and he didn’t take himself too seriously even when writing his last letters.

Read the obitiuary here:
Read him expaling why:
Infoshop has a short article here:

I got the story from and it feels odd. Shouldn’t this be on the front page of papers and such? This is quite an extreme thing to do, and considering all the text he posted about both his planned suicide and his political stance it wouldn’t be too hard to do a background check.

And if you want to distance yourself from his very personal letters and despair, you can always check out the list of others who have set themselves on fire in protest.

Unless he was mentally ill and planning on killing himself regardless, do you realise what level of despair is required to do something like this? How furious you have to be at the willfull ignorance of people in general? My head is spinning slightly, because I get a sensation of vertigo reading through his texts.