Absconding, ascending, aloneliness, aenerisms

I’d like to apologise for not posting much the past week.

And this isn’t much in the way of making amends, but anyway:

* My back was hurting. Then it stopped. Now it’s hurting ever so slightly again.
* I cough something awful. There’s something charming about that.
* Nice party past weekend, even though I’m slightly under the weather.
* Someone crashed the party and the alcohol dried up. I have video!
* Yes yes, I’ll post the video later tonight
* Looked at my bank account and almost cried last Sunday.
* I’ve spend fifteen hours looking and calling for work. I need work. Moniez. If you prick me, do I not bleed? If I’m hungry, shouldn’t you give me food? That fucking computer I’ve been saving coins for looks further and further away…

As far as the studies go:
* The poster is done. Need to print it. Will post gif later.
* The “Appropriate christmas” soundproject is halfway done. Need to mix it and put up a homepage
* Haven’t done shit about the lockpicking project past week. Will do s’more tonite.
* Essay has a deadline for Friday? Friday? Moly mackarel Batman! That’s no way close to funny! Golly!
* I’m skipping a trip with the class because I’m too broke. How fucking depressing is that? On the other hand, I’m pretty good at convincing myself that I don’t like to travel, so I’ll be fine.

Ok. Now I need to go back degrading myself by whoring my time and effort in exchange for currency that is not made out of “good will” or “chocolate”.

Money is the stuff, work is the pimp.

I should:

a) Be working on my quite interesting master thesis that will somehow include Leibniz monadologie.
b) Be doing at least one art-work a day.
c) Be happy to be alive.
d) Write that goddam grant application!
e) Throw a party?
f) Appreciate my friends more, I think.

I should not:

a) Worry about money.
b) Being utterly crushed by the sinking sensation that even those horrible rent-a-worker places might not have any use for me.
d) Consider medical testing or prison a viable solutions.

General mood indicator:

Pity of self —78%
Shame ——–60%
Physique —– Pretty good, getting awesome.