Jonas is out of town for a few days and has been gracious enough to lend me his apartment. Which means that I should be living the high life of a city dweller; Eating at the local restaurant, tipping my hat to ladies while strolling in the park, complaining about high rent and smog.
Instead I’ve caught a nasty cold that’s left me quite miserable and coughing up stuff that looks awfully like something living and very wrong – it’s a man-cold is what it is. I’m getting better, so hey, don’t go out of your way to buy me flowers or coffee or anything (oh do, please do).
Apart from a short lunch with by birthdaying brother, and a beer with friend, I’ve kept busy importing all the video we’ve shot for the museum and finished off the last eleven episodes of Battlestar Galactica; I’m now officially pissed off because I’ll have to wait until the end of 2009 to see the end of it all. Bloody hell.
Occasionaly, I gently hint my friends about stuff they might enjoy. Of course, those ingrates refer to it as constant badgering, so it’s pearls for swine more often than not. So if you happen to be fortunate enough to share my taste in space opera, you might want to scuttle over to a site where you can watch all of Battlestar Galactica.
Like so:
Once the season ended I was left leaching off of Jonas’ neighbours’ wifi, downloading movies or whatnots. If you happen to lapse in judgment, as I in my weakened state did, remind yourself not to watch Beowulf. The technology of motion capture is interesting, but the movie is not worth your harddrive space. I don’t know what it is about Neil Gainman, but no matter how great his books and graphic novels are, I’ve yet to see a movie where he’s been involved that doesn’t suck murky ass. He often deals with myths and legends, and his characters are larger than life, so maybe the visualisation is best left to a readers imagination rather than that of a studio engineer?
Then again, the Golden Compass looks rather nice, so it’s actually possible to make pretty fairy tales. (Is that James Bond doing the voice of a polar bear?) I wish that they didn’t need to cutify it as much as they have though.
And I finally finished Quixko, (Quaxo?) and erased the cursed timewaster from my cellphone. This leaves me lacking in a timewaster (can’t get enough of those) so I am open suggestions if you have any; puzzles are prefered.