my birthday

i’m not big on celebrating birthdays. this is more out of necessity than of my own volition: most people are out of town 21st of june, and i’m used to be forgotten. (it’s a childhood trauma)

a few of my friends thought they’d cheer me up and celebrated me yesterday. they came over and made lasagna, salad and pie. and i got presents! shirts, necklace, a sausage, licorice, strawberries, and a pair of mr fantastic underwear.

earlier miriana and the kids tried to surprise me and sing happy birthday. they are not very good at surprising, but it was very endearing. i’m always a bit awkward in those situations. do i sit? do i stand? do i judge the merit of their singing abilities? group hug? miriana gave me a nice purple tshirt, although i’m quite sure that she didn’t give much thought to what was printed on it. (“game over”)

friends are a good thing to have. maybe i should get more of them? if anyone is interested in becoming one, i’m taking applications.

some pitschurs: