My lungs will be the death of me

Monitor showing a song playing using Luigi Mangione as album cover

Half of Sweden has been coughing since last fall – whatever virus the aliens have release is really doing a number on us. Dry coughing is the new normal, but last week I came down with something more serious, and this past weekend has seen me violently coughing up enough lung tissue to feed a small family, and I’m so fatigued that just walking up the stairs is taxing.

It’s not as bad as back when I had Covid but according to my sportswatch my SpO2 dipped well below 80% some nights, and my average is hovering under 90% – during the pandemic the recommendation was to seek a hospital if you went to 92% so my blood oxygen levels are really shit. I mean, they are shit even in normal circumstances given my asthma, but this weekend was truly a giant pain.

And as much as I have hated hacking and spitting all day, I can only imagine the panic if I’d become too weak to even cough up the garbage that the infection is producing in my lungs: I’d literally be drowning in it. So: despite having torn my throat raw and given my abs the most intense workout in years, I’m thankful that I’m in good enough shape to be able to cough.

As a side note, this ordeal got me motivated to finally read the Kurzgesagt book Immune: A Journey into the Mysterious System That Keeps You Alive and we truly are made up of an aweinspiring collection of mechanisms. I can recommend the book if you’re looking for an easy introduction to the human immune system – it’s accessible and pedagogical, just like their videos.

Hope closer to home

Crossposted at Linkedin, which is my most active community outside of NFL and Reddit.

The increasing polarization of both international relationships as well as intra-national politics has a radicalising effect. As expected, much of it is generated by the perfect storm of power politics and the dismantling of multilateralism that the current US administration is enacting:

Mike Masnick at Techdirt wrote “Why techdirt is now a democracy blog (wheter we like it or not)” and over at Science Magazine Derek Lowe published a scathing summery of how it impacts science (and the attitute towards science): The Continuing Crisis, Part VII: An Overview.

Over at Reddit there’s a clamp-down on “offensive speech” which has had a chilling effect on the discussion, and subreddits doing proactive self-censoring and in some cases even banning ambiguous words and names:

All of this mirrors the Global Risk Report that World Economic Forum put out, which should be required reading: Global Risk Report 2025 homepage

The point of the report is not that their short-term predictions are prescient, but that human short-sighted focus on current risks – very real and dangerous as they are – hides the long term problems we should address: global warming, pollution and biosphere depletion, increased national and interantional polarization, the super-ageing societies reliant on immigrants that become second-rate citizens or guest workers.

So perhaps by looking closer to home, and looking further ahead, we could start to discuss not only what we are afraid of today, but what we gives us hope for tomorrow in our societies? Becuse I dearly want to feel more hopeful, and rather than doomscrolling and complaining, is there something I as a UX designer and futures studies practitioner can do to make you feel better?

The rise of autocracies

One major reason that rich democracies are more stable is that capitalist development disperses human, financial, and organizational resources away from the state, generating countervailing power in society.

Steven Levitsky & Lucan Way: The Path to American Authoritarianism

If you only read one summery of the dangers of the Trump presidency, the above is a good one. It provides examples from 20th century on previous autocratic ambitions and how they’ve played out. Worth a read.

It’s only halfway through February of his first year and I’m already so utterly tired of seeing the face of him or his cronies. It’s time to look over our own houses – Sweden & EU –  where the authoritarian tendencies have been on the rise the past thirty years. Just yesterday AFD came in second in the German elections, and that’s a straight-up fascist party.

Bicameral mind – politics as psychological adaptability

Someone over att Near Future Laboratory mentioned the Bicameral Mind and off I went down the rabbit hole.

Thus, consciousness, like bicameral mentality, emerged as a neurological adaptation to social complexity in a changing world.

Wikipedia: Bicameral mentality

The idea of the Bicameral mind is that humans quite recently didn’t have a conscious introspective “drive” – but rather we were actually hearing voices that our conscious executive part would execute on. A remainder of this system can be seen in the “commanding voices” of schizophrenics.

If the idea being that humans developed or “turned on” self consiousness some 3000 years ago as a response to societal pressures, is there a way to turn it off again if the pressures change? If we previously thought that our drives and actions were commanded by gods and voices in our heads, what will happen if we once again start giving up our own agency in favour of aligning ourselves with external voices – can we revert into this post-hoc rationality of what it means to be a person?

I’m thinking that there’s a parallell between how I understand Julian Jaynes theory on the bicameral mind and the functions of strong external voices  – be they religious or political.

In other words: If we start experiencing what other people are saying as stronger than our internal voice, we will treat it as our own drive. It’s not just a question of a consciously parasocial relationship with gurus or influencers – it’s a genuin interpretation of their “voices” as internalised commands. Hand-to-God these commands drive us, and we want nothing more than to execute on our interpretation of what they say.

It’s not only that we belong to a fandom because we happen to be socialised into it, but that the mechanism of fandom (political, religious, etc) works because it latches on to our bicameral mind that just recently – evolutionarily speaking – was used to obeying commands.

Is this what might happen if we’re once again moving towards an authoritarian and isolationist world, propelled by external crises such as global warming and the knock-on effects of that?

When in fear, listen to the loud voices of confident men telling you how to feel.

New year, new old me – 2025 edition

I’m slowly emerging from New Years hibernation and a trip to Greece. I’ve shaved three weeks of itchy beard and am awaiting the caffeine pills to kick in so that I can get started on cleaning the apartment. It’s a new year but the dust is old, so that will have to go.

Philip Seamor Hofman was at my age when he died of an overdose ten years ago. He seems so old and wise in the movies, that I never considered him so young (relatively speaking). Fantastic actor, and it’s inspiring to know how far dedication can take you by my age – and it’s also inspiring a realisation that I’m no PSH. Both inspirations are a guiding star for the coming year: I hope to do something meaningful this year – for myself and for others, both.

A few more letters won’t hurt: Reading through 2024

Same procedure as last year: I’m listing my reading and abandoned reading in chronological order. I start this post January 1st, sitting in my comfy chair with a terrible cold, and it’s set to automatically go public in a years time.

But the identification of accountability with metrics and with transparency is deceptive. Accountability ought to mean being held responsible for one’s actions. But by a sort of linguistic sleight of hand, accountability has come to mean demonstrating success through standardized measurement, as if only that which can be counted really counts.

Jerry Z Muller: The Tyranny of Metrics

Jerry Z Muller: The Tyranny of Metrics. The current obsession with making everything measurable and all processess transparent leads to a stagnating world which can never improve beyond the metrics that it’s concerned about. Similar to “Weapons of math destruction” by Cathy O’Neil, but will less social pathos and bigger focus on ROI.

Cory Doctorow: Red team blues. A forensic accountant on the US West coast does one last big job for an old friend which allows him to retire a welthy man. But the job gets him embroiled in an international conspiracy and he’s soon on the run. Might be worth your read if you want to pass the time and enjoy people snarking at VC Cryptobros.

A.M. Shine: The Watchers. A horror novel set in a cabin in the Irish woods, where Mina is trapped with a few strangers who all subsist on berries and trapped birds, unable to escape some fairytale monsters that hunt them in the night – only in the light are they safe. Reminiscent of SCP and an entertaining read. It’s been made into a movie, but it’s not worth watching.

Jaron Lanier: You are not a gadget – a manifesto. Having seen AN INTERVIEW with Lanier I was enticed to read some of his stuff. It’s not often you see a hardcore computer geek embrace body/soul dualism. As with most manifestos this one starts with a few axiomatic statements and then builds on those – sometimes the arguments are solid, sometimes they’re improvisations built using bodies of straw men, but it’s short and thought-provoking, so worth a read.

Michail Bulgakov: The Master and Margarita. A romp with most of the literary allusions flittering over my head. Satan is in Moscow and strange things happen – people are uncertain if it’s something supernatural or foreign hypnotists at work, but confusion abounds. Worth reading but I fear most the insight for which this satire is praised is lost on me.

Cormac McCarthy: Blood Meridian. Fantastically written and utterly bleak and horrible – by all accounts a realistic depiction of the situation at the US/Mexico border where government sanctioned killing squads raided Native settlements to kill and collect scalps for bounty. We follow “the kid” as he joins the Glanton Gang in their raids, and it’s one miserable experience after another – reminds me of Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness, with the exception that there is nothing but madness at the end of the journey. Horryfying read but well worth it.

Anthony Dunne & Fiona Raby: Speculative Everything. An overview of the methods and merits of speculative design practices. The first third is nice with a lot of examples – and plenty of good quotes I’ll use when pitching design workshops myself – but the latter part of the book mostly devolves into a description of the work of the authors, which drags a bit and isn’t all that useful. Their description of what Design Fiction is is completely different from how Julian Bleecker coined it, which doesn’t instill confidence in their research. But it’s inspirational and contains plenty of references for further reading, so I’d recommend it as an introduction.

Zac O’Yeah: Tandoriälgen. In the not too distant future Sweden has joined the Asian union. Gothenburg is now Guatapouri – a city with 20 million inhabitants, with ethnic Swedes living in the Masthugget enclave – and police inspector Herman Barsk stumbles upon a trippel murder which proves to be rather complicated. Well written crime fiction and I blew through it in a few days; the dialogue is great, and in these nationalistic times it’s the book offers a new take on what it means to be Swedish.

Oli Allikainen: White Hunger. An incredibly bleak short story about Marja, a mother who tries to save herself and her two kids during the harsh winter, set in the Finish famine of 1866–1868. The only colour is white, and the dominant feeling is of hunger, which scratches your insides like an angry cat. Well worth reading.

David Wellington: The last astronaut. In the near-ish future there’s a mysterious meteorite heading into our solar system and NASA – which is more or less defunct – has to step up and send a crew up to check it out. Exciting space thriller with some glaring plot holes and questionable characters, but worth reading on a lazy summer day – reminded me of Michael Chrichtons “The Sphere” which isn’t a bad thing.

Ben Kiernan: The Pol Pot Regime Race, Power, and Genocide in Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge, 1975-79. An astaunding read that compresses much human misery and perseverance into one book. It’s a summery of a careers worth of original research, and Kiernans research and writing is nothing if not exact. Because of the scale of the atrocities described, I felt obliged to finish the book out of respect for the people interviewed. From a population of less than 8 milllion, some 2 million died of starvation, disease or murder during the Khmer Rouge years. It baffles the mind how humans can behave these ways, and it’s a sobering and terrifying book.

Greg Egan: Permutation City. In a world where (rich) people can create virtual copies of themselves, those copies nonetheless can’t experience the physical world in real-time because of the limited amount of computational power. A lot of great mindbending ideas on what it means to be a person, what is a “self” when you live non-consequitively, and what creates meaning i life. Wikipedia sums up the topics quite well, and the author has a FAQ for the book as well. Worth a read!

Bengt Liljegren: Winston Churchill (del 1 & 2). A Swedish biography over Churchill – well written and a breeze to read. It’s a fascinating story that Liljegren tells, and there’s plenty of quotes from people from Churchills family and staff that paint a less than flattering portrait of a heroically driven megalomaniac who did his utmost to preserve the British empire, sacrificing “lesser peoples” and soldiers alike to get his will through. Fascinating read.

Per Nygren: Lasse och Lenin. A biography over Lasse Diding, an excentric millionarie hotelliere in Varberg, Sweden, who is also a staunch supporter of early Lenin. He’s what they call “a character” and seems to love getting a rise out of people – for example he started the “Lenin prize” which is awarded a person who works in the spirit of Jan Myrdal – someone whom he’s had an intense collaboration with (until they went at loggerheads). I and Sara went to his Hotel Havana earlier this spring, and it’s a wonderful spa with a great kitchen. And it’s where I picked up my current cigar habit. Anywho, interesting book about an interesting person, albeit a bit too convoluted when focusing on the minutia of legal processes – which seems a common occurence in his life.

Jaroslav Kalfar: Spaceman of Bohemia. There’s something strange in the night sky, and Czechoslovakia decides to join the spacefaring nations and sends Jakub on a solo mission to explore the phenomena. He leaves his wife behind, and as the physical distance increases so does the emotional distance. A well written book on the question of identity, love and the sins of our fathers. Can recommend! (Haven’t seen the Aflek adaptation yet)

Olle Lidbom: Skolplattformen. A book about the fiasco surrounding the school platform of the city of Stockholm. Tracing the history of computerization from the 70s’ onwards, he follows the politicians and consultancies who are responsible for a project which was 4 years late, went over budget (from 4mkr to 675mkr – a x177 increase!) and which was scrapped a few years after introduction since it was unuseable. The amount of money and effort spent on this trainwreck makes your blood boil, especially as schools had to cut back on student services just to keep up with the increased cost of running this shitshow. Interesting read and I blew through it in one day.

Yu-kai Chou: Actionable Gamification. I’d seen this recommended in applied gamification design circles, and Yu-kai doesn’t disappoint. He has come up with an his own system of analysing “Core Drives” for doing gamification analysis and design – called the Octalysis Framework – which splits the different drives into extrinsic/intrinsic and black/white-hat. I’ve applied it to my own work with the WellMate app I designed while at BrightSkills, and it’s definately useful. The writing is so-so and the book would benefit from a more aggressive editor, but he sources gamification research and gives plenty of examples, so I’d say that it’s a great resource if you’re interested in the topic!

Martin Paul Eve: Warez. An academic treatise of The Scene – the top level of piracy ecology. There are no original interviews here, but Martin goes through all available documentation that has leaked over the years, as well as court cases and other academic publishing. His thesis is that “… the Warez Scene is an aesthetic subculture and an alternative reality game, fixated on originality” and makes an interesting argument for his take; The lack of direct financial gain, along with the strict hierachies and nomenclature makes for a compelling argument that what drives those running topsites has more in common with crypto ARGs than (for example) for-profit torrent sites. The book gives a good background on the early BBS Scene as well as the social ecology within which the Scene operates.

Sarah Manguso: Liars. A novel about how romantic relationships and marriage makes liars out of us. We follow a female narrator that slowly realises that she’s becoming a “traditional woman” in her relationship with an unresponsible man who takes her for granted. It’s a well written lamentation on what it feels like to be taken for granted, and the protagonists slow realisation that she’s doing what she’s promised herself she’d never do is sobering. How do you change a situations which your surrounding tells you is “as expected”?

Tom Godwin: Space prison. Refugees from Earth are hijacked and set down on an unhospitable planet – Ragnarok – and are forced to survive on a world which is set on killing them dead. A comfort read I’ve read three-four times before, each time surprised by the brutality of Godwin, how he keeps offing main characters in service to the plot – which is to get off the planet and get revenge. Dated gender politics, but otherwise a great read!

T. Kingfisher: Nettle & Bone. A young princess goes on an adventure to save her older sister who is married to a wicked prince. A well written adventure with sympathetic characters. It’s like the Diskworld, only grown up!

Rob Fitzpatrick & Devin Hunt: The Workshop Survival Guide. I heard an interview with Rob a while back and it was fantastically informative and motivating – link to interview – and since I and Sara are running workshops I figured I’d get the book. The focus of the book is on workshops with “learning outcomes” which requires us to adapt it a bit to our speculative futures workshops, but the book is really practical and I’ll be applying so much from it going forward. Oh, and revisiting the book as well.

Kevin Bell: Game on! A book on gamification in higher education. Good overview of the (then) state of the art, as well as five case studies of how these ideas have been implemented in practice. Useful as a reference book if one is into gamification.

Eric Ries: The Lean Startup. It’s almost quaint to think that the whole “Lean” thing had to start somewhere, and Ries book was one of those beginnings for many people. I was recommended this by an entreprenourliar aquaintence, and I blew through it and made notes. A practical and insightful book, even though I don’t see myself as an entreprenour.

Geoffrey Engelstein: Achievement Relocked. A short book from the MIT “Playful Thinking” series, focusing on how loss aversion and the endowment effect works in contemporary games. Some interesting mechanisms in there that I’d love to put into practice gamifying something.

N.K. jemisin: How Long ’til Black Future Month? A short story collection by the author of the Broken Earth trilogy which I liked enough to buy Sara the first book in translation. As always, short stories are hit-or-miss, but Jemisins perspective offers a furious and varied take on speculative futures and pasts. A mix of futures, parallell worlds, and fantastic history – well worth a read!

Adrian Tchaikovsky: Children of memory. The third book in the series – humanity has collapsed and a few arc ships have tried to seed different planets with life, in the hope that when enough time passes (either through relative time dilation or cryonic sleep) verdant planets will spring up. Of course, there are complications, and in this book we get to follow a very unreliable narrator on a journey to one planet where time, identity and memory is all jumbled up. Interesting read, but occasionally too confusing for comfort.

Chris Guillebeau: The $100 startup. Partly a pep talk and inspiration for just getting off your butt and do it, partly a well structured guide to how to actually do it. There aren’t many self-help-isch books that I enjoy, but since I’m thinking about striking it out on my own (getting a job going really slowly) this book scratched my itches. An easy read and I can recommend it to anyone who has an idea and needs a push.

Wendell Bell: Foundations of Futures Studies (2 volumes). A brief history of futures studies. I’ve written a longer summery of my thoughts on the two books here, but Bells two volumes cover everything from utopian writing from Moore onwards, to the post-WWII wargaming and scenario-building. It’s occasionally a bit of a slog, but required reading if you’re interested in futures studies.

Bill Sharpe: Three Horizons. A short book describing how we can envision future thinking through three “horizons”: Encumbent way of doing things (H1) is naturally defensive and reactionary; H3 is future oriented and there’s no clear way of getting there from where we are now; finally, H2 can be oriented either towards conserving the encumbant (H2-) or towards reaching the new shores (H2+), in both cases bridging the ideas of H1 and H3. It’s a book full of metaphors and pep-talk and too vague even in the case studies to be very practical, but the way the books talks about how all the interests of H1/H2/H3 have to be included seems to be useful if you’re interested in actually doing changework in a reluctant organisation.

…we recognise the need for transformational change when we see that the way things are getting done now has limits; that we cannot get beyond these limits however much we try to improve the existing system, and that we must, as a result, create a new pattern of life for the future we want and need.

Three Horizons, Bill Sharpe

Hilary Mantel: The assasination of Margaret Thatcher. A collection of ten short stories, all concerned with – what, human relationship and fears? It took me a while to realise that the stories weren’t connected, so I was trying to tie them together for a confusing while. As usual, Mantels the short story The Heart Fails Without Warning hit home in a way I’m not used to – about a kid starving herself to death partially told through the eyes of her sister. Harrowing struff, but a reminder of what great writing can do.

Cormac McCarthy: The Road. A father and son try to make their way to the coast in a postapocalyptic USA where nothing grows and all life seems extinct. The couple have to avoid roaming gangs of cannibals while battling cold and hunger and a hopelessness in a dead world. Extremely bleak and well written.

Books given up on

Jay Kristoff: Empire of the Vampire. Something has obscured the sun enough for vampires to thrive all day, every day, resulting in an undead takeover of a parallell earth anno 1700-isch. A religious order of halfbloods is vaging a losing battle against the undead, and the story is told via one of these heroes as he’s retelling it to his captor. A fantasy enthusiast in my class recommended this, but I gave up hundred pages in – nice worldbuilding, but the excessive exposition and poor writing is just too much to make it worthwhile.

Neal Stephensson: Fall; or, Dodge in Hell. Any recent book that has a silicon valley tech person musing about coffee beans and perfect roasts is an automatic disqualification. Consumerism as an expression of personality traits can be done well – see American Psycho – but most often it’s just lazy writing. I gave up on this book some 40 pages in.

Will Self: The book of Dave. The premise is nice: A disgruntled London cabbie writes a screed that survives into a post-apocalyptic world, where it becomes the basis for religion and myths. The future language that Will Self has invented is just too dense for me to follow, and the story doesn’t seem worth the trouble of slogging through it. Gave up after 50 pages.

Rebecca Solnit: A paradise built in hell. One of many books I got to get a handle on how people act in a crisis situation (because, well – *looks around*). It uses a couple well known catastrophies – Katarina in New Orleans, San Fran 1906 quake, etc – and highlights how people have worked together (or not) when a crisis arises. Solnit tries to weave a story out of very few threads, and it’s too thin and poorly written to feel worth my time. Nixed out efter 40 pages.

Alison Strayer Annie Ernaux: The Years. An autobiagraphy written in staccato about the years 1941–2006. Just couldn’t handle the writing style. The sentences are short. Images vivid and observations on point. Stream of consciousness has impressed many. My eyes drifted to the clock and “how much left of the chapter” too many times. My tired fingers finally closed the book, my mind distracted by a screaming child on the beach. Alas, not for me.

George Rippey Stewart: Earth Abides. A last-man-on-earth story that is just too dated and poorly written for me to stick with. Gave up quite quickly once I realised that I’ve given up on this before – many years ago. I’m gonna trust younger-Mateusz on this one.

Ruth Ware: The woman in cabin 10. An entertainment reporter gets to go on a luxurious work-cruise shortly after having been burgled. Told in first person and reads too much like a tv-show pilot.

Terry Pratchett & Stephen Baxter: The long earth. One day schematics are released of a machine which allows you to jump to a parallell world, which is similar to ours in most regards – except there are no humans anywhere else.. There seems to be en endless number of earths in both “directions” (called east and west for no apparent reason) and we get to follow both colonisers and detectives as they explore. The premise is interesting, but the book is just completely devoid of any excitement, and I finally gave up three quarters of my way through.

Peter D. McDonald: Run and Jump – the meaning of the 2D Platformer. Part of an interesting series on gaming called “Playful Thinking”. I started in on this cause I was taking a computer game UI course at Uppsala University, but the book is just too academic to be worthwhile for me.

Looking back to look forward: Futures studies and the future of design

As I’m moving into the design and research field at the same time as it’s being reshaped by both a recession and GenAI, I’ve been thinking hard about what skills I’m bringing with me into my adopted field – as well as what skills might differentiate me from my colleagues. One of those skills is a keen interest in applied futures studies: Where are we and where could we be heading?

Miniature sign with directions to different cities of the world
“You are here”

For a person who always has felt a bit unmoored from the here and now, like many others I have found an outlet for this in the visions of science fiction – the bright-eyed sibling of futures studies that’s so good at telling stories. Lately, as I’m developing into a platform for examining hints of human experiences, I’ve tried to become more structured and learn to apply future studies research methodologies beyond mere storytelling.

As I understand it, futures studies attempts find rigorous ways to examine a few basic but difficult questions:

  • Where is humanity or a subset of humanity heading and where do we want to go?
  • What can humans become under other conditions?
  • How can human society of reinventing itself?
  • What defines our relationship to the natural world and how does it affect us?
  • How might something completely new – an unknown unknown – change us?

On a more down-to-earth note, future studies is also used to do discovery work in design: Identifying needs and niches for products and services, generate forecasts, identifying blindspots, and generally help organisations to navigate uncertain conditions and challenges.

The future isn’t discovered, it’s made – consciously or unconsciously. So as designer-researcher, I aim to expand my toolset beyond evaluating what exists today to envisioning what could be. While I’m entering design as a junior practitioner (despite seniority in other fields), I maintain this broader perspective: every design decision, however small, connects to larger human experiences, business goals, and societal outcomes.

Laptop connected with a bunch of wires
Used to be that having a bag full of dongles was a sign of a “power user”

Two recent books have allowed me think about how this applies to the design field: Jan Chipchase brilliant Field Study Handbook, and Julian Bleeckers ( The Manual of Design Fiction – as well as his Near Future Laboratory discord. (Julian is giving a talk in London you can check out!). Chipchases handbook is a great manual for how to do discovery work, and Bleeckers Design Fiction framework is a easy framework for imagining future material culture. What they have in common is a rigorous approach to examining things and relationships as they really are, and I find myself returning to both books to ground my more flighty ideas.

One of my weaknessess in the futures craft is that I’m not formally trained as a futurist and lack the historical perspective of the field, so I put together a reading list to remedy that. The goal is to learn the historical narrative and find some best-practice manual. The books I’ve included are so far are:

  • Wendell Bells two volumes: Foundations of Futures Studies
  • Andy Hines & Peter Bishop: Thinking about the Future
  • Peter Schwartz: The Art of the Long View

Having finished Wendell Bells two volumes I’d like to summarise some thoughts.

Top-down view of students standing on a giant chalk outline of the Göta Älv river in Gothenburg
A workshop about the riverfront in Gothenburg, Urban Architecture Design Lab

Wendell worked as a futurist for 40 years and wrote this book in order to summarise the history, practice, and philosophical and ethical frameworks for futures studies. It was published more than 20 years ago so it’s a bit dated by now, but it still gives a fantastic overview of the development of the field.

The first volume begins with a history of the professional field as it evolved within the US military complex, and traces the shift from the pragmatic forecasting, through scientific positivism, postmodernism and “post-postpositivism” – which he calls Critical Realism:

It synthesizes some aspects of older positivist views with some of those of the newer postpositivist philosophers, including in the latter case the claim that plausibility, not absolute certainty, is the most that can be claimed from scientific labors.

He has very little sympathy for the postmodern relativistic perspective, which he means makes any value judgement meaningless and hinders a discussion about a “preferred” future – something that he believes is an ethical imperative for all futurists. In order to say something about the future, you have to agree on what this “future” is composed of in a materialistic way, and if you’re stuck in a sceptical or nihilistic frame of mind (or religious, for that matter), you’re waive any rights to be included in the conversation – after all, if all is relative, so are you and your opinions, so what’s there to talk about?

With my academic background in a totally postmodern art education I find comfort in his takedown of the sceptical position, and appreciate his position. That said, the ethical and ontological chapters are the most heavyhanded and a bit of a slog – he’s so adamant about the conclusions at which he’d like to arrive, I can’t help but to feel that the questions are begged and carts put before strawman horses.

Regardless, he is opinionated and presents diverging opinions fairly, and given his social pathos I accept his reasoning and will try to apply it. To paraphrase: Given that everything we know is interpreted – phenomenological – we can’t but to try to agree on a moral and ontological common ground, use it axiomatically but always with an acknowledgement that we might be wrong.

Above all he’s a proponent of honesty and rigorous work. He’s well aware of the the consequences that might follow a too shallow approach of doing futures work – being intellectually lazy and ignoring ones own biases:

The drawbacks of future workshops include the possibilities of small groups being collectively uninformed about important relevant facts, inaccurate in forecasting the consequences of alternative actions, and parochial rather than universalistic in their value judgments and goals. Thus, resulting plans of action sometimes may do more damage than good. Future workshops also can result in falsely raising people’s hopes, only to have them dashed again if their efforts at social change are squashed. Finally, future workshops can be incompetently or cynically run and produce very little real participation or real change.

I’m keeping the above quote in mind when I dive deeper and continue with my own practice, collaborations and further reading: It’s easy to get ahead of oneself and tell stories that look and feel convincing, but are nothing but show – just another well designed slide-deck or scifi blockbuster. There’s no shortage of design work that never moves beyond this stage, and for good reason: It’s easy, it’s escapist and it tells a good story. But if I want to actually do good, influential and consequential work, I will have to be honest and rigorous with me and my clients about what I can realistically do for them.

Portrait of the author as a teenager
My father was very proud of his tiled design on the walls in my childhood home.

All in all the book is fantastic foundational read on the topic of futures studies and I wish I’d read it while in art school – But since it’s never too late to learn new things and improve on oneself, I’m glad I’ve read it now that I’m trying to find my footing in the research and design world – having a futurist mindset can only be of service in finding new problems, solutions and possibilities regardless of what I work with.

One cannot act purposefully in any small respect except within a picture of what the world will be like when the action produces its effects.

We can’t act towards a goal without having an idea of what we’re up against, what we’re aiming for, or what we try to avoid. And if I can help someone conceive of a preferred future, I might help them to work towards actualising it. Or as Wendell Bell so eloquently put the challenge:

Both the helpless and the willfully reckless are part of the challenge of the future. Can we invent and enlarge the opportunities for more and more people to take control of their own lives in positive, life-affirming ways and open up more possibilities for everyone to benefit from the life- extending technologies currently available? Can we educate effectively, so people will acquire the knowledge, skills, and moral principles of be- havior that allow them to make choices that lead to productive, long lives of good quality for themselves and others?

Burning money with cigars!

Fire is a kind of magic to a child, and some of us never grow out of a fascination with it. The heat, the change of almost anything into ash, the smell and the smoke, the different noises of things burning.

I’ve recently taken up smoking cigars – a habit I never thought I’d ever try, let alone enjoy – and I’ve literally burned a sizable chunk of my savings this summer. It’s an expensive pasttime: Out of the thirty or so cigars I’ve tried out, the cheapest acceptable brand (Don Tomas) is still 55kr each, and the cheapest ones that I prefer (Casa Turrent) cost more than 80kr each. And since I’ve always been of the persuadion that “everything worth doing is worth overdoing” I’m smoking a couple cigars a day.

It’s a nice punctiation of my waking hours. Since each cigar takes at least an hour to finish, I need to set aside some time in the garden (or in the greenhouse if it’s raining) and stock up on tea or beer, a book and some sketching paper for the duration. I did buy some pipe tobacco in order to rekindle that habit – I started smoking pipe when I was 13 – but it doesn’t give me the same satisfaction, and it burnes my tongue more than the cigars, leaving my tastebuds numb for at least a day.

It’s mostly the smoke and the ceremony that I enjoy. My tastebuds are crude and unrefined at best of times, but my appreciation of the smoke swirling out through my nose and into the world still feels as magic as when I was a child and played with fire; picking up a burning stick and swinging it around until only the embers at the tip remained, letting off a thin string of smoke, spreading the smell of burnt pine and leaving a residual glow on my retina.

There’s so little magic in the life of an adult, that I cherish this new habit of mine. At the same time I know that the nicotine addiction is part of it. Already I catch myself looking forward to the next cigar while smoking, and I know it’s not only a fascination of the thing itself that causes that, but the glow of reassurance that comes from being addicted to something and knowing I can satisfy the craving.

So my plan – vaguely formulated and presupposed on the impending autumn and poor weather – is to give up the cigars once I can’t sit outside any longer. Having quit smoking and using snus a couple of times already, I think I know what will come next, but that’s fine. I’m quite good to follow my own rules.

I don’t know how long I will keep up the fascination and enjoyment of smoking cigars, but I know that I enjoy the illogical transgression of it right now, and I already feel a nostalgia for when I will look back at the days of smoking and not having that sense of serene magic anymore.

Ten years at KKV GBG at an end

After ten years as a project manager at KKV GBG, I’m officially unemployed!

Some postcards I made out of my photos of people working at KKV GBG

I’ve been a member at the collective workshop KKV GBG since my last year of art-school – 2007 – and since 2014 I was employed as project manager & coordinator. KKV is a non-profit workshop with studios for professional artists and designers, and in addition to a few paid positions (such as mine) it’s totally reliant on the volunteer work of it’s 500+ members. Just like most of the art and culture scene it’s constantly struggling with money – in combination with volunteer labour it means that “normal” project work goes out the window; it’s “agile” before Agile was a thing – there’s no other way to get stuff done when you have to coordinate work with people who do this in their spare time between paying gigs, on a shoestring budget.

When I started work, my ambition was to digitalise as much as possible (workshop scheduling, collaborative online tools, tools for planning courses) and then make my role redundant. The outcome was the reverse: the more I modernised and updated the everyday management, the more responsibilities I was encouraged to take on. In the end I was managing high and low – managing grant applications and project budgets, running collaborations with art schools, designing print and digital materials, documenting activity and generally making sure that the right info got to the right person and stuff got done.

My job was varied and rewarding – the organisation is a critical piece of art infrastructure – and the membership as well as the board mostly appreciated my work. But in 2022 I figured I’d been there long enough, and so took a leave of absence to study UX Design for two years. Those two years are now up, and as of yesterday I’m also no longer employed at KKV GBG; I know that if I’d return to the project management role I’d use it as a crutch and not apply myself as dilligently as I ought to finding a UX job, and I’m itching to get started on something new.

So. In Linkedin parlance I’m “open to new challenges”. Exciting times!

Oh, and I totally ran the above text through an AI and asked it to “make it more suitable for Linkedin” – you can see the result over at my Linkedin profile. I do feel a bit dirty by doing it, but there’s just so many hours in a day…

Content: Not Even Once

I never thought I’d be sentimental about the auteuric vision of creativity, but here we are. Behold my latest creation: A hat with “Content Not Even Once” embroidered. It’s a pastiche on the Montana anti-Meth slogan (“Meth Not Even Once”) suggesting, with only slight hyperbole, that engaging in content creation is as ruinous as meth. The moment you start feeding the social media beast — Instagram, TikTok, or the like — you’re at the mercy of algorithms that change your intrinsically motivated action to an extreinsically measured worth. Likes. Shares. Comments.

The trap is subtle. What begins as an earnest attempt to share a piece of yourself is hijacked by the craving for digital validation. Your art, your thoughts, transformed into fodder for the algorithm. It’s no longer about the joy of creation and finding connection with others, but about appeasing the insatiable hunger for engagement. This digital validation, as fleeting as it is, shapes our perceptions, guiding us to tailor our creativity to suit the blunt instruments of social media metrics.

I’m not deriding those who identify as content creators — whether you’re capturing video, sketching, or doodling on the piano, the label itself isn’t the issue — the problem lies in how it shifts our mindset. Instead of taking pride in becoming slightly better by the day, learning tools of whatever hobby or trade you’re pursuing, all value of what you’re doing is measured by clicks and views. You’re competing with “AI artists” who are making chumbox content, and that’s an unwinnable race – “never wrestle a pig”, etc.

(If you’re a content manager using media to fulfill some KPI, this doesn’t apply to you. Content to your hearts content)

So, I made a hat about it because it seemed fun (four hats in different colours, to be precise). It’s a statement equating content creation’s addictive cycle with meth. Perhaps a bit tasteless, but subtlety has never been my strong suit. It’s a call to remind myself of who I am beyond the algorithms — lord knows that I have self esteem issues enough without having to compete on the social media stage.

If this resonates with you and you’d like a hat – get in touch. If enough people want one I might get a dropship option going. Above all, remember not to do content. Not even once.