A couple of months ago there was a outrage and general brouhaha over an how ACORN — an organisation which helps underclass folk in US with getting bank loans and such — supposedly was advising a pimp & hooker couple on how to start a child prostitution business. It turned into a giant shitstorm, and it’s only now that the dust has settled and the source material has been examined that a more true version of the story is emerging.
→ MSNBC: Rachel Maddow explains how Fox News bought and sold the ACORN story. [Via Media Matters]
“This place,” says Bahram, shouting somewhat, it’s amazing. You can’t imagine! The schools, the hospitals, the way they live! And nothing is done by hand, even the baking, even cleaning the street. They have these little carts, just press a button. The police, they smile at you and say “hej.”
→ From our own correspondents, Monica Whitlock: Adjusting to Swedish life after the Andjian massacre
[audio:https://monocultured.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/Monica_Whitlock.mp3|titles=Adjusting to Swedish life after the Andjian massacre|artists=BBC, Monica Whitlock]I do not want to prescribe a means of viewing images of Fabienne’s death. I am interested in informing the public about the photographers who witnessed and recorded the event.
→ Prison Photography, Pete Brook: Fabienne Cherisma [via A Photo Editor]
But what makes it all such good fun is the element of surprise. No matter how much you practise or prepare, many of your best mammal behaviour shots will be of moments you hardly remember – because they happened so fast. These are the ones that make all that effort worthwhile.
→ BBC Wildlife Magazine, Mark Carwardine: Mammal Behaviour [scroll down for individual PDF]